Microsoft Reflect

A wellbeing app to support connection, expression, and learning

Get started
  • Icon for Build Self-Awareness & Empathy
    Build Self-Awareness & Empathy
  • Icon for Grow Emotional Vocabulary
    Grow Emotional Vocabulary
  • Icon for Identify & Navigate Your Emotions
    Identify & Navigate Your Emotions
  • Icon for Develop Growth-mindset & Confidence
    Develop Growth-mindset & Confidence

Using Reflect

Create impactful check-ins to gain wellbeing insights and build a happier, healthier learning community.

  • Create
    • Easily set up regular check-ins for students, staff, and families to understand how they feel about any topic, in any language.
    • Host live check-ins on a big screen or share a link to collect responses.
    • Have control over who is invited to respond and what they can see.
    Create new check-in in Reflect
  • Respond
    • The Feelings Monster, a research-backed character for all ages, showcases 60 different emotions in an engaging and playful way, assisting learners in authentically identifying and naming their emotions.
    • Having a space to share helps build a learning ecosystem where everyone feels safe to make mistakes and grow.
    Respond to check-in in Reflect
  • Insights into action
    • Gain valuable insights into where your learners are excelling and identify areas that require attention.
    • Cultivate connection, expression, and learning through data-informed conversations.
    • Tailor instruction to learners' needs and interests.
    View check-in responses and trends in Reflect
  • Build a culture of wellbeing
    • Foster a happier, healthier, and more balanced school with evidence-based resources and strategies.
    • Learners can take a brain break with our curated collection of short, inclusive activities designed to promote mental fitness, refresh the mind, and refocus.
    Brain breaks in Reflect


Reflect supports you seamlessly through every step of the teaching and learning journey, from PreK to HED, integrating with the tech you already use.

Visit the Educator Toolkit

Awesome activities, Epic learning!

Incorporate Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) into your classroom with ready-to-use activities, lessons, and materials.

Visit the Activity Hub
Successful Feelings Monster
Meditate iconMeditate
Draw iconDraw
Move iconMove
Play iconPlay
Music iconMusic
Podcasts iconPodcasts
PPT icon
Stories iconStories
Worksheets iconWorksheets
Calm icon

Make Reflect part of your routine

  • Group of primary schools students smiling.
    SEL Check-ins
    One-on-one attention has an enormous impact on engagement, learning, and well-being of students. Without it, students’ needs can be missed, and emotions can surface in ways that aren’t easy to understand. Make check-ins part of your routine to give each of your students a place to share their feelings and give yourself data to track their status, progress and needs.
  • Group of higher-education students smiling.
    Learning progress
    Self-awareness and self-management are critical skills for lifelong learning - by providing opportunities for students to reflect on their learning educators not only inform the trajectory of their teaching, but also increase students’ agency in learning. Students can practice asking for help and develop a growth mindset through honestly evaluating their effort, motivation, and progress. It is vital that students have a safe space to develop these skills, as it takes plenty of practice!
  • School leaders and educators smiling.
    Educator wellness

    Social and emotional learning isn't just for kids. Evidence shows that teachers with higher levels of social-emotional competence have more effective classroom management, better retention, and higher academic achievement in their students. However, very little training is provided to support teachers' personal SEL.

    To effectively teach SEL skills, educators first need space to reflect personally and recognize their skills and opportunities for growth. Use Reflect to take the temperature of your school ecosystem and ensure that educators' own needs are being met so they can invest the best of themselves in teaching.

Reflect with confidence

With Microsoft Reflect, you can be sure that your data and privacy are secure, and our solution complies with international regulations and best practices.

  • Icon for Secure
    Reflect, as part of Microsoft 365, complies with regional and industry-specific regulations for data collection and use, including GDPR and FERPA.
  • Icon for Private
    Reflect keeps your data confidential. You have complete control over who is invited to respond to the check-in and what they can see.
  • Icon for Research-backed
    We place significant emphasis on grounding Reflect in research to prioritize the safety and well-being of students, staff, and families.